Same Day / Next Day Flowers - Local Dorset Florist Delivery in postcodes DT9, DT10, BA8, BA9, BA20, BA21, BA22 - Call 01963 2510023 and 07368222866 or order online - Monday thro. Saturday
Amazing Vases and Containers for table Decorating. Lavender and Grey Sherborne Florists

Tables for all ocassions.

The good news ! Setting an inviting table is pretty easy. Choose some lovely vases and arrange flowers accordingly. Include some vintage books, a few succulents and bulbs.  The downside an abundance of choice blooms. Pick a colour scheme and keep to it. Pastel blooms always a safe option. Go wild with tulips in season just such amazing colours. Invest in some vintage containers - Dartmouth mantle vases, Dartington glass, Denby jugs to name a few, all our vintage items live with our friends at King Settle Antiques. Semley, Dorset. 7 days a week.

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