Same Day / Next Day Flowers - Local Dorset Florist Delivery in postcodes DT9, DT10, BA8, BA9, BA20, BA21, BA22 - Call 01963 2510023 and 07368222866 or order online - Monday thro. Saturday

Abbotsbury Florists - Local Flower Delivery DT3 4

Abbotsbury flower delivery, order flowers online or call Lavender and Grey - 01963 251023

We are local florists that deliver direct in Dorset,  beautiful fresh flower bouquets 6 days a week, delivered by our drivers. Same day flower delivery in Abbotsbury can be arranged. Subject to Flower stocks. Monday to Saturday, our Florist Choice Range  online or by telephone from £49.95. Delivery is added at checkout.  Send Flowers by Occasion,  Flowers by Sentiment, and our selection of  Flowers for Funerals.

Same Day Flower Delivery by arrangement to  Abbotsbury DT3 4 - 01963 251023  or specific day.  Order Online. Do call us and speak to a real florist,  ordering flowers from  Lavender and Grey, you cut out the relay companies. Thank you for visiting and we look forward to delivering flowers to someone special in Abbotsbury.

We also deliver our own bouquets and arrangements to the other DT1, DT, DT3, DT4 and DT5 Dorset Postcodes. Below a few suggestions or search our collections above.

Abbotsbury Florists - Local Flower Delivery DT3 4 



4 results
ALICE - Bouquet
From £49.95
ANSTY - Bouquet
From £55.95
BATCOMBE - Bouquet
From £79.95