Same Day / Next Day Flowers - Local Dorset Florist Delivery in postcodes DT9, DT10, BA8, BA9, BA20, BA21, BA22 - Call 01963 2510023 and 07368222866 or order online - Monday thro. Saturday

Funeral Wreaths

Lavender and Grey make Funeral Wreaths for Funerals -  in Sherborne,  Yeovil, Dorchester, Blandford, Shaftesbury including all the between Villages.  We Deliver

to - WS Brister and Sons Ltd, serving Sherborne and the surrounding towns and villages for over fifty years. Bracher Brothers, Funeral Directors, Sherborne and A.J. Wakely & Sons.

Full Service Funeral Florist. Call us personally on  01963 251741 or choose online.

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