Same Day / Next Day Flowers - Local Dorset Florist Delivery in postcodes DT9, DT10, BA8, BA9, BA20, BA21, BA22 - Call 01963 2510023 and 07368222866 or order online - Monday thro. Saturday

Contact Details for Lavender and Grey - Flowers and Interiors.

Contact Lavender and Grey - Flowers and Interiors.

Vintage Home.

Nine Brookside, Milborne Port, Sherborne, DT9 5RB

Find our Vintage China and Glass, Curtain Poles, Pictures and Furnishing Remnants @ Kingsettle Antiques, Station Rd, Shaftesbury SP7 9AH - Open Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 11am - 4pm

Telephone 01963 251023