Same Day / Next Day - Local Florist Delivery - 01963 251023
  • LONGBURTON - Luxury White and Lime Bouquet.
  • Includes White Roses and Lily, Alstroemeria.
  • Garden foliages and other blooms.
  •  Orders Sherborne, Yeovil, Shaftesbury and Wincanton
  • Requires 24hrs notice.

NB If a flower pictured is unavailable, our florists will substitute with another of similar colour and value. If you have specific requirements regarding the flower content of your bouquet,  please contact us - Lavender and Grey Flowers, Sherborne 01963 251023 -  Beautiful floral arrangements delivered locally same day, named day throughout Shaftesbury, Sherborne, Yeovil and surrounds. Please note we deliver between 09:00 - 21:00. Same day orders must be placed by 12 noon on the day required and are subject to flower stocks.