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Vintage Treasures.

 Lavender and Grey - Vintage and Antiiques.

A self confessed Vintage / Antique treasure hunter addicted to "the thrill of the hunt." I spend weekends collecting unusual and interesting items, vintage 20thc china, glass, pictures of all genres and especially vintage textiles. Seeking out and finding unique items which I  decorate my own and others homes with. I  shop with an eye for design searching for pieces that I like to call the "jewellery" of the room.

These heritage pieces breath life into the design telling a story or evoking a memory. Its allure is found in the detail its journey... condition, provenance and patina. Our collected "treasures" tell the story of who we are.  "Decorating is never successful unless it is personal." Selected treasures are available for purchase at King Setlle Antiques, Station Road, SEMLEY, Shaftesbury. 7 days a week. and here online, all available for local delivery and further afield by arrangement. 01963 251023


Le Corbusier