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Lavender and Grey - Flowers & Vintage Interiors.


Lavender and Grey - Flowers & Vintage Interiors.

01963 251023

This website is our 'Look Book'.  We take Inspiration for our Gift Flowers, Wedding  Bouquets and Event Arrangements from many sources, home grown English Blooms, Antique  French Fabrics and Curtains, Stunning Dorset  and Wiltshire Wedding Venues. Table arrangements in Vintage Jugs and Tureens to delight when you are entertaining.

Flowers are available to order only. 

We sell elegant Vintage China and Glassware. A small collection of  Silk, Chintz and Linen Curtains (from a previous life). Squidgy Cushions, designer remnants for your own projects.  Lovely things to inspire your creative ideas when decorating and styling your home @ Kingsettle Antiques, Station Road, Semley, Dorset - 7 days a week