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Interlined Curtains, Roman Blinds and Cushions

Curtains, Roman Blinds, Cushions all made to order, hand stitched and bespoke.

 Vintage and Interiors play a large part of our working life, equal passion with our Flowers. Curtains, Roman Blinds, Box Cushions et al made to order, all stitched and finished by hand. Re-cycled curtains and small furniture for sale.

We charge by the width of fabric used when making curtains and blinds. The final cost of your curtains /blinds will depend on how many widths of fabric you require made up, and determined by the length of your pole, track and the fabric design you choose. 

Made to Measure Blinds - currently have an 3 week waiting list, for making.  Curtains a little longer.


Interlined and Lined Curtains - Secondhand and  made to order. Dorset.
3 results